Hello ! My name is Ludivine Fuster and I am currently a student in master edition, multimedia edition, professional writing at the University of Angers.
I am looking for an internship as an editorial assistant in a publishing house. My favorite literary genres are fantasy, fantasy and romance.
2022 - 2024
University of Angers
Thanks to this master, I discovered the profession of editor. Very professional, I was able to acquire all the knowledge and techniques necessary for the exercise of this profession.
2018 - 2022
University of Angers
This licence was very rewarding. It allowed me to acquire the necessary tools to understand the texts. It also allowed me to further develop my critical thinking. In addition, my specialization and my internship helped me define my choice of orientation: publishing.
College Notre-Dame de la Salle-de-Vihiers
Passionate about literature and reading, it is quite naturally that I turned to a literary sector. This choice allowed me to deepen my culture and taught me to develop a critical analysis.
April-June 2023 - 308 hours
My internship of the previous year was very rewarding, I wanted to re-examine the experience for a longer period. I was able to observe and participate in the different stages of the editorial production of a book, which was very instructive. In particular, I was able to follow up a novel from the reception of the manuscript to the sending of the BAT for printing. I was also able to make layouts of novels for printing and e-book. Finally, another part of my internship was dedicated to author search and metadata collection.
September 2021 - 70 hours
This first internship with the publishing house Inceptio was very rewarding. It reinforced my professional project. I was able to make corrections and discover the basics of the layout on Indesign. I also discovered all the functions that a publisher must perform.
Being a member of the reading committee has allowed me on several occasions to participate in the pre-selection of books for publication. This role is important because the reading sheets produced allow the editor to determine whether or not a text corresponds to its editorial line and has potential.
July 2020- January 2024
This student job allowed me to gain financial autonomy and discover the world of work. You have to be versatile, work in a team and have a good customer relationship.
* *** ****** ******* ***** Angers